Translating XML/Epub using DeepL & ChatGPT
Rails 6.1's ActiveModel Errors 介面大翻新
Rails 6.1's ActiveModel Errors Revamp
Settei - 又一個讀取設定的 Gem
Gem development inside Rails app
Rails' many default_url_options
Pundit and controller based authorization
AdequateErrors - Overcoming limitation of Rails model errors API
Magics that Decorator/Presenter Gems Do to Make Your Type Less
I wrote an address tokenizer using machine learning
Always use respond_to
RubyKaigi 2015 感想
My Presenter Library for Rails
Apply SEO-friendly url only to show path
Rails 4.1 upgrade and FactoryGirl.create with association
從 sqlite 轉換到 postgresql
Payment Notification Receiver
歐付寶有 < 跟 & 就會認證失敗
ActiveMerchant / offsite_payments gem needs to improve
Markdown 或是 LATEX
TrueCrypt 官網突然說自己不安全
chef, sunspot solr 與正體中文分詞
RubyConf Taiwan 2014 感想
使用 sequel pro 連遠端 mysql
台灣相關 ActiveMerchant 實作清單
Yahoo Mail Spam Button Broken
事後 eager load associations
Capistrano deploy 時手動跳過 asset precompile
Rails Config 私人偏方
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